Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Paths and Produce

We have now removed the wooden sleepers that used to be the edges of the garden beds, they are no longer needed and we can re-use them elsewhere. We have also moved the compost bins under a bush beside the rainwater and and worm farm at the southern boundary of the property. Hopefully this will enable us to protect the worms from the heat of summer and use some space that food cannot be grown in.

The pepino bushes have spread and are acting as a ground-cover beneath the fruit trees which is what we had hoped for. They are very hardy, covered in flowers and fruit and will protect the soil and the microbes in it as the weather warms up. If they get too big we will simply drop and chop the surplus.

This is  the path between the two fedges that we have at the front. The fejoa fedge  actually marks the boundary of our property whereas the plants on the right are in the nature strip/verge/council area. The front row includes an  olive, rosemary, butterflybush, lavender, figs and a loquat.

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