Friday, June 16, 2017

The Secret World of Palm Oil - #NotInMyTrolley

That we still live in a world where there is so much corruption, abuse of power, denial of human rights, greed and destruction is incredibly sad and a disgrace.

 Amnesty has uncovered the following exploitation of plantation workers:
  • "Children as young as eight are doing hard labour which can cause physical damage. A 10-year-old boy told us he works six days a week. “I don’t go to school…I carry the sack with the loose fruit by myself but can only carry it half full…I do it in the rain as well but it is difficult…My hands hurt and my body aches.”
  • Women are forced to work long hours under threat of pay cuts. They are paid below minimum wage – earning as little as US$2.50 a day in extreme cases.
  • Workers labour for long hours to meet high targets. Tasks are physically demanding, such as cutting fruit from 20-metre-tall palm trees.
The abuse of workers on these plantations is clear – yet these producers are failing to do even basic human rights checks on their supply chain. Something is wrong when six companies turning over a combined revenue of $325 billion in 2015 won’t do something about the abuse of palm oil workers earning a pittance".

The six companies include Nestle, Colgate- Palmolive and Kellog's. For more information and to also help you can click on this link.  Those who are working for the greater good of all are much greater in number than those who are not and together we can make this world a safer and better place for all.

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